But alas, I got a letter telling me I didn't make the cut. So as the only Asian applying, I even joked with my friends that for once, I thought I'd benefit from "affirmative action" as a token Asian hire, because I kept hearing in the news at the time that they were desperate for Asian applicants. There were a lot of petite girls who looked like diversity hires. The other thing I noticed was the people who had made it to the police academy and were undergoing training. In fact, I was the only Asian applicant among hundreds that I saw. There was no Asian officer to shake my hand.
The Latino officer would walk down the line and shake the hands of each Latino applicant and ask for their name.
The other thing that I remembered distinctly was that when I went to do the physical exam, there were white officers, and then there was one Latino officer and one black officer. But the detective told me that everyone's done marijuana at some point, so they don't really care if you've done it or not. All the other applicants were freaked out, because they'd all done marijuana before, and they thought this would disqualify them. I had also never done marijuana when it was still illegal, and I thought this would help me, because they made a big deal out of this, leading up to the interview. So I asked what they were looking for from a candidate, and he said they're looking for people with military experience or backgrounds in MMA. Isn't that something you guys are looking for?" And the detective said they don't care about those things. I said, "I have a college degree and I'm bilingual. The detective who interviewed me said he didn't think I qualified. I'm six foot tall, so it was a breeze for me, and even after the test, all my fellow applicants were complimenting me for how easily I flew over it. The hardest part of the physical was hurdling yourself over a flat six foot wall with no footing. I passed the multiple choice test and physical exam. I heard they were looking for more Asian cops, so combined with my college degree, I thought I'd have an edge. I actually applied to San Diego PD straight out of college.